Monday 17th February 2025

Felotoi e Kacific mo e Pule’anga ke na fakalelei ‘i tu’a kae tuku e hopo´

KUO tuku mai ‘e he Pule’anga´ ‘a e ongoongo kuo nau felotoi mo e kautaha Satelaite ko e Kacific Broadband Sattellites Group ke ‘oua ‘e toe hoko atu ‘ena hopo´ kae fakalelei pe ‘i tu’a.

  Na’e pehee ‘e he Pule’anga´ ‘oku nau fiefia he felotoi kenau fakalelei kae ‘ikai ke toe hoko atu e fakatonutonu fakalao´ ka ‘oku nau alea mo felotoi ke hoko atu e fengaue’aki´ he kaha’u´.

  Na’e toe fakaha ‘e he CEO e Kacific ko Christian Patouraux ‘oku nau fiefia he . . .

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