Monday 17th February 2025

Fekau ke mavahe mei he ‘api´ toe maumau’i ‘enautolu e ‘api´

Tu’utu’uni ke ne totongi e $30,385.79 ki he maumau kuo nau fakahoko´

KO E tokolahi taha e kakai ‘i Nu’usila ni ‘oku nau nofo totongi he ngaahi ‘api ‘a e kakai ha’anautolu e ‘api´ (landlords)  pe ko e fale ‘a e Pule’anga´ (State House). ‘Oku ‘iai e aleapau pea ‘oku tonu ke ke tauhi e ‘api´ fakalelei kae ‘oua ‘e ngaahi faka’api kehe’i´ pea ke totongi mo e Rent pe nofo he ‘api´ he taimi totonu ‘o fakatatau ki he aleapau . . .

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