Monday 9th September 2024

Faka’ilo he TDB, Peni Vea mo ‘Emeline Tuita ‘a Tatafu Moeaki mo e Pangie Pule pea mo e kau faiongoongo

LOLOTONGA ‘oku ‘osi tukuange ‘a e CEO e Pangike Fakalakalaka ‘a Tonga´ pe TDB, ‘Emeline Tuita pea mo e Sea maloloo e Poate ‘a e TDB, Peni Vea kuo hu mai e  fo’i faka’ilo ia ‘e he Pangikee mo mo e ongo ‘ofisa maloloo ni ‘a e Kovana e Pangike Pule´, Tatafu Moeaki mo e Pangike Pule´. ‘Oku faka’ilo fakataha nautolu mo e kau faiongoongo ko Katalina Tohi mei he Letio 87.5, Tevita Motulalo mei he Tonga Independent mo Kalino Latu mei he Kaniva Tonga´.

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