Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Faka’ilo fefine ki he ‘aisi ne ma’u he’ene uta mei tu’apule’anga

KUO faka’ilo ‘e he kau polisi ‘a Nuku’alofa ‘a ‘Anita Toutaiolepo ta’u 45 mei Kolofo’ou ‘o tukuaki’i ki he fehu’aki ha faito’ota’efakalao kalasi A ko e ‘aisi (methamphetamine) fe’unga hono lahi mo e kalami ‘e 137.36g mei tu’apule’anga ki Nuku’alofa he ‘aho 4 ‘o ‘Epeleli ta’u ni ‘i Ma’ufanga.

    Ko e tikite ‘e 2 ‘oku ‘osi faka’ilo kiai ‘a e fefine ni ‘aia ko e ma’u mo e fehu’aki ha faito’o ta . . .

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