Saturday 8th February 2025

Faka’ilo fefine ki he ‘aisi ne ma’u he’ene uta mei tu’apule’anga

NA’E ui he Fakamaau’anga fakavahe ‘i Nuku’alofa ‘a e hopo tukuaki’i he polisi ‘a ‘Anita Toutaiolepo ta’u 45 mei Kolofo’ou ‘o tukuaki’i ki he fehu’aki ha faito’o ta’efakalao kalasi A ko e ‘aisi (methamphetamine) fe’unga hono lahi mo e kalami ‘e 137.36g mei tu’apule’anga ki Nuku’alofa he ‘aho 4 ‘o ‘Epeleli ta’u ni ‘i he uafu Kuini Salote ‘i Ma’ufanga.

    Ko e tikite ‘e 2 ‘oku ‘osi faka’ilo kiai ‘a e fefine ni . . .

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