Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Faka’ilo ‘eikivaka MV Ko e Kelesi he ‘ova uta kau pasese´

KUO faka’ilo ‘e he Potungaue Malini ‘a Tonga ‘a Tevita ‘Ilangana ta’u 54 mei Halaleva ki hono maumau’i e lao fefolau’aki ‘i tahi´ ki he’ene fakaheka e kau pasese ‘e toko 141 he MV Ko e Kelesi ka ko e pasese pe ‘e toko 90 ne tonu ke heka ki he vaka´.

   Ko e maumau lao ‘eni na’e fakahoko he ‘aho 06 ‘o ‘Epeleli 2023 ‘i Nuku’alofa he’ene folau mai mei he ngaahi tukui motu ‘o Tokelau. ‘Oku pehee ‘e he fakamatala mei he kautaha vaka´ ne . . .

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