Monday 9th September 2024

Faka’ilo e tangata ki he’ene tui’i ‘a Hafoka ‘o pekia´

KUO faka’ilo ‘e he kau polisi Fremont Boulevard, California ‘a e tangata ta’u 58 ko Hung Vuu ki he tamate tangata he’ene faka’uli konaa ‘o tui’i ‘a Taniela Finau Hafoka ‘o ne pekia.

   ‘Oku tukuaki’i na’e konaa ‘a Hung pea ne tui’i ‘a Hafoka pea lele pe ia ‘o ne toki tu’u he’ene tui’i ha fu’u pou maama he hala´. Na’e a’u atu ai pe e kau Polisi´ ‘o puke mai ia ‘o faka’ilo´.

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