Saturday 8th February 2025

Faka’ilo ‘a ‘Aisea hono tui’i ‘o Veimasi´

KUO hoko e tekolo’i fakakata ‘e ‘Aisea Hausia ‘a Tavite Fuatupe Fakatava ka ‘oku ‘iloa ko Veimasi ke launga’i ai ia ki he kau Polisi´.

   ‘Oku ‘ikai sola foki e  tokolahi kia Veimasi ‘oku fakaleiti pea mo ‘ene ngaahi to’onga mo e lea fakakaekae mo fakakata ‘oku fai ‘oku ma’u ai e oli’ia ‘a e kakai´. Ko e tokotaha kolisi tutuku e Kolisi ‘Apifo’ou pea mo e poupou fefeka e kalapu ‘akapulu Marist.

   Ka ‘i he Tokonaki kuo . . .

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