Monday 17th February 2025

Faka’ikai’i ‘e he CEO e Lulutai ‘a e tukuaki’i´

KUO tuku mai ‘e he CEO e kautaha vakapuna Lulutai Poasi Tei ‘a e fakamatala ‘o faka’ikai’i ‘a e fakamatala na’e tuku atu ‘e he kautaha ongoongo ko e Kaniva ‘o pehee ngali na’e ‘iai e palani ke tamate’i e Black Box he vakapuna´. Ko e ki’i me’angaue ‘eni ‘oku ne lava ‘o lekooti e me’a kotoa pe ‘oku hoko he vakapuna´. Ka hoko ha fakatamaki ko e ki’i me’angaue ‘eni ‘oku fekumi ki ai ke ne tala e me’a ne hoko´.

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