Wednesday 22nd January 2025

‘Ave keisi fa’ee ki he feinga fufuu’i hono tohotoho’i ‘ene tama ki he Fakamaau’anga lahi.

KUO tu’utu’uni ‘a Fakamaau polisi Vili Mo’ale ‘i Nuku’alofa ke ‘ave hangatonu e hopo ‘a e fa’e ta’u 41 mei Puke mo ha matapule ta’u 31 mei Hofoa ki he Tu’i Fakamaau lahi ke ne fakamaau’i kinaua ki he hia ‘oku tukuaki’i kiai ‘a e fa’ee ki he’ene feinga fufuu’i hono hanga ‘e ha matapule ‘o angahala’i hono ‘ofefine ta’u 14  he ta’u kuo ’osi ‘i Hofoa.

    Ko e keisi pelepelengesi ‘eni ‘oku makatu . . .

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