Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Angafefe hu ‘a e mahafu ki he loto pilisone Nuku’alofa

‘OKU kei fifili e kau polisi´ pe na’e anga feefee ‘a e lava e matapule ko Molitoni Moimoi ‘o hu mo e mahafu ki he loto pilisone lolotonga ‘i Tisema 2023 hili hono lipooti mei hono kaunga nofo pilisone´ ‘oku ‘iai e mahafu he loto pilisone.

    Na’e hua ‘e he kau polisi´ ‘o ma’u  ha fo’i mahafu .22 ‘e 6. Na’e fehu’i pe ko e ha e ‘uhinga ‘ene fa’o mahafu´ pea ne talaange ko e ma’u pe ‘i pilisone.

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