Monday 17th February 2025

Alea he lisi e ‘api ‘i Ha’apai ‘o ‘Aloiso Kaitapu mo hono hoa´, Melaia

NA’E fakahoko he fakamaau’anga kelekele´ e alea ‘i he konga ‘api lisi ‘i Ha’apai e ongo matu’a ko ‘Aloisio mo Melaia Kaitapu.

  ‘I he 2017 na’e lisi ai ‘e ‘Alosisio mo hono mali´, Melaia e konga ‘api ‘i Pangai ko e fika e lisi´ ko e 8981 pea na’e tu’u ai ‘ena ki’i falekai ko e Ha’apai Delight.

  ‘I he ta’u tatau pe ne toe ‘iai e konga ia ‘a Melaia ia mo e tama Siaina ko Reng . . .

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